Channel swim article in the The National

Abu Dhabi author to swim the English Channel this summer

Just 2,228 swimmers have completed the feat, compared to 4,833 people who have successfully scaled Mount Everest

Channel swim
A motivational speaker and author Julie Lewis will swim the English Channel this August to raise awareness about resilience and the importance of creating memories. – Victor Besa, The National

A motivational speaker and author will attempt to swim the English Channel this summer – a feat which has been achieved by less than half the number of people who have successfully scaled Mount Everest.

Just 2,228 people have completed the 33-kilometre swim, which takes on average 12 to 14 hours, compared to 4,833 climbers who have reached Everest’s peak.

Julie Lewis, a 56-year-old Briton living in Abu Dhabi, originally applied to take part in a relay swim with four other UAE residents, but for one reason or another they all dropped out.

Having already paid her deposit, she was faced with a choice: to convert her application to a solo swim, or abandon the attempt altogether….

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